From Scratch
We control the whole manufacturing process. From the selection of suppliers and raw materials to the goods ready to be collected, nothing is made by a third party company. We have extremely cutting-edge machinery to get the best efficiency of the raw materials. Our machinery allows us to detect and remove defects on our raw materials keeping the efficiency quite high. Each and every of our articles have their quality documents and our staff always follows them to make it.
Our working procedures and processes set control mechanisms to avoid making mistakes. If any mistake happened, we took good note of it and all the Quality System updates to avoid it happens again. This is a part of our Continuous Improvement Procedure which leads our whole working way. Our know-how is gathered and published to avoid mistakes happen once and again.
All our articles have a set of quality documents. These documents are taken by any orders once we place them under production. Everything is planed. Nothing is left to chance. Each process was tested and its results, checked. Moreover, each order has a management document, a kind of agenda, where our staff register all what happened with this order.
Our Suppliers
We only count with the best suppliers in Europe which can meet our requirements and deadlines.
We have a wide range of suppliers who are able to supply us with THE certificates that our demanding clients might require. We work with supplier of webbing who are Öeko-Tex certified and also our leather are REACH certified, as a minimum. Also, we count with suppliers who are able to supply with GRS certificates for our bonded coated or recycled materials.
Parraga & Pielini have a wide experience in counting with high-standard suppliers since our current clients need it.
Our Quality
We understand the “Quality” as the ability to be able to make the same belt once and again, as per our client’s requirements. Because of that, “Quality” is a major issue for us. It doesn’t matter if the required article is a cheap or an expensive one. Our quality system will identify and manage it just in the same way. Our quality management and know-how is shared by all our articles. We base our quality system in four main pillars:
- The best possible machinery which allow us to detect and avoid mistakes. This implies a continuous investment in new machines as well as a continuous training of our staff but we know we need it to be competitive in our today’s World
- We have an industrial WiFi system as well as computers everywhere to allow our staff to share the know-how of our company. Everything can be consulted: the way to make something, the chemical products, what might be changed or what not …. Everything is gathered and published to allow our staff be updated about the novelties.
- Established procedures and processes well tested and checked and, an experienced staff who makes sure about following the correct steps
- We pay so much attention to our glues and inks too. We can not allow our chemical products might hurt anyone. Because of that, we only used European based-water chemical products which have been tested and checked for long time in all our products. No changes are allowed if they were not tested for long time and in different products. This helps us assure our clients with guaranteed products regardless when they are going to be used.
Our Own Design Team
Because we are deep into the Fashion World, besides being able to supply the client with what he needs, we are continuously developing new styles. This continuous development and new creations help us try to have the best and newer machinery as well as being aware about new materials and trends.We have our own resources, human and machines, to make as many samples as the client needs in a short time.
Our e-system allows us to public new samples in an easy way. In this way, our clients will receive some messages when this happens. Our clients frequently receive messages informing them about new samples ready to be ordered. Our platform also allows the clients to place an enquiry for any required item, very easy, as easy as just click on a bottom.